SuryaSoul® Registration & Policies


We are happy to send you our registration form:

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.


Costs & Payment for this Course:

The registration is a required contract outlining the deposit, which is non-refundable fee. The deposit secures a place for you in the training. The full tuition must be received no later than 60 days prior to the first day of the training. Payments may be made via by bank wire transfer or by PayPal.

Cancellation Fees:

If cancellation happens up to 2 months before the training beginning date: 50% of the total amount.


Cancellation Policy:

SuryaSoul® retains the right to revoke the participation of any individual participant at its discretion.  SuryaSoul® retains the right to cancel a training up to 30 days prior to the first day of the course,  should for any reason this become a necessity or if a training does not meet the minimum number of participants.  In such a case, all moneys received by SuryaSoul®  from applicants shall be promptly refunded- including deposits.  SuryaSoul®  and any persons associated with SuryaSoul®  shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by applicants in preparing for this training, including travel expenses, telephone and mail expenses.



SuryaSoul®  require the purchase of travel insurance.  It is your responsibility to ensure that you are adequately insured for the full duration of the training in respect of illness, injury, death, loss of baggage and personal items and cancellation and curtailment.

Waiver / Release:

My participation in the SuryaSoul® Teacher Training is voluntary and at my own risk. I release SuryaSoul® teachertrainers and producers of any consequences arising from any activity I participate in provided by SuryaSoul® teachertrainers and producers. I hereby release SuryaSoul® teachertrainers and producers from any liability for any claims, demands, injuries, actions, or causes of actions to my person or property arising out of or connected with the use of any services, equipment or facilities provided by SuryaSoul® teachertrainers and producers.


Network and Website

Teaching SuryaSoul® classes will give you the chance to connect to a worldwide network of other dancing friends.


Widening Circles of Eduaction

We offer regularly workshop and further trainings in the fields of the 7 Chakras and Pillars of our SuryaSoul® practice.

We create regular new SuryaSoul® DanceOfSoma Choreographies, which we offer in a Weekend Learn Workshop (incl. Song-Mandalas).


We offer yearly Teacher Retreats to deepen the practice and develop teaching skills. 


A great way to share knowledge and wisdom, learn together and manifest our deepest visions. You will receive all the material you need to live a fulfilled and abundant life in this present world. Challenges will become opportunities and obstacles will become open gates to reach your highest potential as a human being. 


Use of Logo and Name of SuryaSoul®

Only certified SuryaSoul® Teachers can use Name and Logo.

You will receive the Logo and Name to integrate them in your presentation and marketing material.


Community building will be supporting the entire journey to create a safe, healing and motivating practice environment during the trainings.


And we will grow and evolve together...from one circle to the other....



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Retreats 2024/2025

Choreos 2024

Choreos 2025

SuryaSoul® Article, Happinez Magazine

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